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Hey hey lovelies, Mimi Quick here and I am super jazzed to share these grab them now before they’re all gone amazing tranformational offers with you.

Some are self paced and self study driven while others are a good way to start with me privately with tons of goodies, so don’t wait they’ll go fast and there are limited quantities of them.

These special prices will be gone in just a few days and they won’t be back.

Pick the ones that speak to you the most and get started right away. The time is now sweet soul.

With Love,

Mimi Quick *The Prosperity Muse & Psychic Business Mentor for female entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals.


BLACK FRIDAY offer * up to 50% off

THE Quick Money SHift (Self Study) Option 1


The Quick Money shift VIP Option 2 includes private group & 1-1

The Quick Money Shift program has helped hundreds of women shift their money stories, change their relationship with money, and create money miracles in their lives. Most of all I love all the the success emails and messages we get of women and their new money stories and how it has changed their lives. They have a new money energy & money consciousness that they are grateful for.

Look at Option 1 or Option 2 and pick the best fit for you!

Click the button to get your special Thanksgiving offer and save.

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BLACK FRIDAY OFFER * *Over 67% off only $97

re-ALIGN tO lOVE & lET lOVE iN


Life happens and before you know it the love within can shrink from an unpleasant event or just an experience that hurt. It may have happened yesterday or 12 years ago. The sting of it may still be there or gone but you still don’t feel real open to love and may be a bit hesitant about letting it in.

In this self study course you’ll walk through a step by step experiential training that I, Mimi Quick have created for women just like you. You’ll heal, rewrite your love story, and most of all release anything that is in the way of LOVE now. You’ll re- align to begin to let love in with the exercises and inner processes I guide you through. Enjoy the blessings of this course <3

It’s only $97 for the Thanksgiving Special. We have 55 available. (original price $297)



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Manage Your Energy over 84% off only $47

*for Professionals Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Learn how to manage your energy before you burn out. No one has a goal of burn out but you’ll learn why it is important to map out your calendar to schedule things so you can maximize your energy. You’ll tune in and find out when your energy is the highest in a simple yet super powerful process that Mimi will walk you through. You’ll learn a 3 second technique and more :)


Private 1-1 PROSPERITY Consultation with Mimi QUick Value $297

Only $147

5 left at this price.

Are you ready to experience PROSPERITY in your life and business?

Prosperity means all of this: happiness, joy, money, health, good relationships, upleveled mindset, good energy and more!

Are you looking for answers and solutions that are aligned to you and not some cookie cutter, carbon copy of someone else’s life and business? As a seer I tune into you, your soul this are your real desires. From there I help you shift into what you really desire..


You must take the first step to have a Prosperity Consultation.

Good! You’re in the right place for that!

If you’d like to LOOK DEEPER into your prosperity do not miss your opportunity to connect with Mimi on this Exclusive Consultation offer just for today! You may want to shift all of these or one of these things we’ve listed below..

  • Do you want to elevate your relationship with money?

  • Are you stuck in your message, niche or offer in business?

  • Do you feel like you want to excel in your career or attract a new job?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed about relationships or things that have happened in the past?

  • Is there a traumatic event, abuse, or low self esteem sitting in your energy field that you’re ready to heal so it doesn’t hold you back anymore?

  • Have you been looking to shift out of some OLD thinking but have not been able to do so on your own, with affirmations or meditation?

  • OR?…… tell me what’s going on. I’d love to help you tune in, LOOK DEEPER, and connect for greater understanding around your prosperity and how to shift into what you desire at this time.

You’ll have a private 20 min. 1-1 Consultation with Mimi Quick

  1. To determine where you are right now energetically, overall mindset, and in the physical based on the issue or goal you’re willing and open to look at. You’ll get insights, receive clarity, and more.

  2. Mimi will share her recommendation and best next steps in working with her and in what capacity after this call is complete based on her findings with this call, you’ll get a detailed report….And can use this entire $147 payment towards any program or private 1-1 coaching with Mimi Quick within 30 days so you don’t have anything to lose only so much to gain.

  3. Bring your willingness to shift to this call along with any questions you may have about the insights you’d like to receive.

Let’s be clear this is a deeper look into your life and business or the area you choose to look at, at this time for quick insights from Mimi Quick. You’ll get tons of value as many of Mimi’s clients have. One consultation is not a cure all it is a FIRST STEP! There are many ways to work with Mimi Quick and she’ll share what is best for you after this call and if its’s Private 1-1 you’re looking for this she loves to work with her clients closely too in her close knit groups and private 1-1 programs sharing her methods and teachings that have given great results to many women across the globe in every industry, every level of income, and in every way.


LET’s do this!

It’s a Year Long Offer..

For all of the women who have worked with me before You’ll want to jump into this.

You know the value of my work and I’d love to have you join my new group so that I can empower you to be an empowered woman in your life and or business every day.


Are magical.

We’re bold.

We laugh and love to tell jokes.

We’ve seen a whole bunch of things in life and business.

We really want to help society.

We have lots to give.

We are healers.

We are intuitive.

We are magical, oh yes, right! I said that but don’t you agree that we must mention it a few times here. I believe we must.

We have big loving hearts with great BIG souls and know that we’re here to do good.

We see others pain.

We feel others emotional stuff.

We have had a dark night of the soul ourselves or watched someone close to us go through that.

We are leaders.

We are mothers.

We are wives.

We are sisters.

We are goddesses.

We are more than you know.

We are seers.

We are doers.

We are creators.

We’ll dive into a new Empowered Woman topic & training each month!

(12 to be exact)

We’ll have:

1 live topic & teaching every month at the Beginning of the month with group coaching to help you asap!


1 assignment check in group coaching call to see how you’ve progressed, what results you’ve seen, and what you’ve implemented from the teaching and coaching call.

All teaching topics and group coaching calls will be LIVE and recorded & then placed in our online school SBI for you to have access to, to listen to and have to review if you can’t make it live.

An empowered woman has this alignment within and I want to EMPOWER you to be an EMPOWERED WOMAN in this 2019 year!

Let me help you step up, clear out any blocks and get focused so you can feel empowered in all areas of your life.

Every month we’ll go through one new training + you’ll get FOUR (one per quarter) 15 min. PRIVATE 1+1 SOUL SHIFTING EMPOWERED WOMEN COACHING CALLS with Mimi Quick to help you align every 3 months *(even though my top clients prefer every week, I know this time together will be life changing for YOU!)

Here are some topics Mimi will be teaching live each month:

  • Empowered Women Assessment to see what areas you’re ready to shift, grow, and evolve in.

  • Empowered Women: Energy, Mindset & Life We’ll Clear out # 1 HURT & Past Life issue that may be the Common denominator to issues in this life.

  • Empowered Women: How you can begin to Lift Up Your Money VIBE & 10 powerful flows that you may not know about that can boost your money consciousness quickly. You’ll begin to grow in the area of money as an empowered woman.

  • Empowered Women: Love and aligning to what you really desire, love, and want to flow into life and business.

  • Empowered Women: Soul Prosperity Road Map

  • Empowered Women: Relationships and how to communicate effectively so that you’re heard powerfully.

  • Empowered Women: Your TRUE Gift & Stepping out. We’ll look at your true gift and empower you to step out!

  • Empowered Women: Manifesting and your real desires Getting Clear*

  • Empowered Women: Joy & Happiness booster because every empowered woman has a JOY METER let’s find yours.

  • Empowered Women: Discover your #1 energy block around prosperity and money and clear it.

  • Empowered Women: How to align your energy for Personal Goals Success

  • Empowered Women: How to align your Business energy for Success

  • Empowered Women: Spiritual alignment and connection with Source for Clarity & Insights & Next steps.

  • BONUS #1 : How to handle negativity and negative people both at work and family dynamics. *When the bubble of light is not enough. $197

  • BONUS # 2: How to add Spiritual Support to your every day life and business. $197

    Empowered Women Group Program Plus quarterly 1+1 Coaching with Mimi Quick

    Value: $2997


    Bonuses Value $394

    = $3391

    You can step in today for less than half of that amount $997 and save even more $200 off

    ONLY $797 until midnight PST Tuesday 11/27/2018

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