5 Part Money Assessment

10 min. Money Meditation

And a Handy Checklist!

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VIDEO 1 ~ 5 Part Money Assessment

Go through the 5 Part Money assessment and discover more about your unique relationship with money today!

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VIDEO 2 ~ Money Meditation

To delve deeper into your money energy and consciousness.



For you to have by your desk to check off as you go about your day!

Is it time to take the next step with your relationship with Money?

Get deeper insights on your best next step on elevating to your new money mindset with this one time only Special Offer * New Client Money Alignment Call here: Click the link to read more + Bonus self study course to help you begin the path to creating money miracles for yourself! ($500 value)

(once you sign up you’ll get an email with the link to schedule a call to speak with Mimi Quick)