How to get In Front of The Line & Book an Appointment

Hi there, It’s Mimi Quick the form below to get in Front of the line for sessions and Early Bird Access for our new group program.

1) We have a few spaces open to go to the FRONT of the line to book for 1-1 new client sessions right now since you were part of this series. Having a session with Mimi Quick is not just a reading. We’ll work on whatever it is that you’re experiencing, desire, or want to look at and narrow it down to one thing (be it in money blocks, business, your spiritual gifts, or personal development) we’ll pick 1 and then go through a customized process to assist you with that, clear out any energy, there is coaching and mentoring on the call as well as psychic insights plus so much more that you’ll receive based on your specific session.

If you are seeing this I only offer these 1 time sessions sparingly. My clients like to work with me for 3 to 12 months. I’m quite busy with the programs that I run and

2) We are also opening up our NEW group program and we are keeping it hush hush for now to the public until we fully launch but you’ll have an opportunity to join us for a once in a lifetime offer that will knock your socks off. We’re pretty excited about it. Of course we only want people who are a good fit and resonates to keep the energy high and vibrant in our group.

And finally I am a loving teacher and I care for my clients I keep things very clean and clear in my space. I don’t condone any low level energies or riff raff. This is a sacred space and I do not let anyone and anything in to disrespect and dishonor it.

My spiritual gifts and space is very important to me.

I believe that we are all powerful. I do not do the work for you. You must have an inner drive to take action steps and complete work on your own if you’re in my programs. This is your journey and I really want to empower you to take on that responsibility and live empowered in your life and business. You can do it!