Meet An Amazing Woman who has so much legal wisdom to help you: The one and only Layne LYons

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And she is offering a delightful discount to any of my clients and colleagues from my tribe, she’s amazing.



Layne Lyons graduated from Duke Law School in 1995 with her Juris Doctorate. She immediately began working as a District Attorney in Atlanta, where she quickly learned that one of her favorite things about being a lawyer is educating and empowering people. Over her 24 year career, she has had many jobs as a lawyer. She worked for over a decade in the arts and entertainment sector, she was CEO of a major Animal Foundation, she represented the rights of children in court, and she had her own private practice for many years. The one constant running through all of her jobs has been the focus on educating and empowering others. Layne is the author of 3 books, has spoken on stages across the country, and four years ago, she became certified as a health coach, specializing in helping women increase their energy, earning herself the nickname of “Energy Magician.” Now, she’s combining her expertise as a lawyer, and her unique understanding of the coaching industry, to teach and empower other coaches and entrepreneurs to use the right contracts and agreements to protect their businesses.