“DEEPER LOOK Assessment &


With Mimi Quick

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Are you ready to Align & Prosper?

What Are you Really Ready to step Into?

Align To Prosper PROGRAM GUIDE FOR 2019- 2020


*Shifts start with the first call…

Let’s take a deeper look into your specific situation, whatever you want to look at: in business, money, sales, marketing, or any place you desire a clarity, a lift up, or are ready to clear out blocks right now.

If you are ready for coaching and insights to help to get clear, align, and shift your mindset and business then you are in the right place, keep reading!

This new opportunity to work with me 1-1 is a limited one we start with a NEW Deeper Look:

1. Quick Assessment with Mimi Quick: (based on what situation or what you want coaching on.) I share what I see in a quick assessment & what’s happening with you and your current situation based my assessment. Right on the call.

2. Quick Coaching with Mimi Quick: I will coach you to shift your mindset and energy right on the call (based on the current situation we will be working on).

3. Quick Insights with Mimi Quick I will share what hidden blocks you may not know about and share them with you asap. To clear them.

4. Quick Action Steps with Mimi Quick: You’ll get actionable next steps in practical and energetic ways to move forward.

5. You’ll be able to use all of the money that you paid for this call into the next step. Either group or 1-1 VIP Coaching if you’re ready for that.

You can get started now click on the words here to secure your spotYES! I’M READY MIMI QUICK

We will close this offer August 15th & just note there are Limited Spaces available since you will be speaking with me, Mimi Quick and not one of of my coaches.

Deeper Look Call with Next Steps:

Ready? Click right on this text to purchase the Deeper Look Assessment & Private Coaching Call.

You will receive both inner process work and outer steps to help you on your path.

We will schedule you in the calendar within 24 hours of payment received.

If you have any questions contact Client Care here: clientcare@mimiquick.com

We’re here to help!

What will you schedule your Deeper Look Call for?


Sales Coaching You’ll get an assessment immediately on your first call to discuss where you are with sales. Are you a pro that needs extra insight or advanced training. Are you a new coach or professional who needs to align into prosperous mindset? Are you afraid of sales and ready to step into authentic sales that don’t feel salesy but are aligned to you? Then you’ll want to click and purchase this option to get started to step into aligned sales now. There are many moving parts from an anatomy of a sales conversation to sales offers to sales language, objections,and more. First we will start with an assessment to see exactly where you are then we’ll move into coaching right on the call which consists of practical steps and inner process work.

Money Mindset Coaching & Money Block Clearing: You’ll get an assessment + coaching on this call with Mimi Quick. We’ll take a good look at your current mindset, what you are stuck on, your goals, and go through a process to shift your money mindset into alignment to your desired money goals. You can choose what is the most pressing mindset issue or goal that you have at this time and we can work on that or you have the choice of going with Mimi Quick’s suggestion to clear out your #1 block on this call. It’s up to you and you can discuss this right on the call during your session.

Business Alignment Coaching: You’ll get an assessment during the first call. It includes a business assessment with Mimi Quick + Coaching on your business where she’s spots mis-alignments and helps you reverse them and align with practical and inner process work customized just for you on the call. (could be in courses, offers, mindset, systems, platforms, message, client attraction methods, coaching practices, branding, or..?)

Spiritual Gifts Alignment and Intuition

You’ll receive an assessment + coaching call around your spiritual gifts. You can be an expert who works in this field or you may have new gifts coming in and don’t know what to do. Wherever you are in your spiritual gifts or have questions about they can be looked at and coached in this private call with Mimi Quick. You will go through inner process work and practical steps to assist you on your specific situation.

OR I can design your specific customized call on your specific situation if it does not fall into any of what I shared above.

** (LIMITED TIME) If you are ready to continue into either a private program with Mimi Quick or a group program you’ll have 7 days to do so and apply the FULL $500 Payment into into a larger program, private or group. *(we’ll make sure it’s a good fit for you.)

Are you ready? I’d love to help you shift! ((20 spaces open)) Is one for you?